​Recline Yoga Studio​
Yoga Swakopmund
22 Second Ave Swakopmund, Erongo, Namibia

Walk-in N$180
2 Classes - N$300
Valid for 2 weeks
5 Classes - N$600
Valid for 5 weeks​
10 classes - N$800
Valid for 6 weeks
15 Classes-N$1150
Valid for 6 weeks
Private Class
N$600 p.hour
Yoga Therapy
N$600 p.hour
Private Class
After hours N$700p.hour
Group Private 3 or more
N$300 p.p p.hour
The variable nature of Vinyasa Yoga helps to develop a more balanced body as well as prevent repetitive motion injuries that can happen if you are always doing the same thing every day.
As a philosophy, Vinyasa recognises the temporary nature of things. We enter into a posture, are there for a while and then leave.
In Hatha yoga, you move your body slowly and deliberately into different poses that challenge your strength and flexibility, while at the same time focusing on relaxation and mindfulness.
Hatha yoga places special emphasis on controlled breathing and posture. Building core strength, which is key to good posture and overall health.
Somatic Movement:
Just like the physical scars on our bodies, we have internal scars from past experiences or traumas that influence our physical and mental well-being. As a result, every human being needs to feel supported and guided every now and then. You may seek this support through friends, family, talk therapy, or alternative medicine.
A form of alternative medicine that can guide you to a place of happiness and peace is somatic movement therapy. But what is somatic therapy and how does it change the way you feel?
Here is everything you need to know about somatic movement to decide if this healing technique is right for you.
What is Somatic Movement Therapy?
The term “somatics” comes from the Latin word soma, which means “the living body” and refers to the mind-body connection that helps us understand what our body needs and where. Somatic therapy picks up on signals about areas of pain, injury, imbalances, or trauma and uses touch and natural movements to heal the mind, body, and soul.
Somatic therapy focuses on body-oriented modalities, such as dance, breathwork, and meditation, to help you reach a state of deep relaxation and re-awaken sensations in the body.
By tapping into the nervous system, you are able to unlock your unconscious thoughts and feelings that might be holding you back from living your life. Somatic movement therapy allows you to reconnect with your emotional self, providing a stronger sense of self and leading you on a path of fulfillment.
How Does Somatic Therapy Work?
Somatic therapy is based on the theory that the mind, body, spirit, and emotions are all connected. As a result, if we experience a traumatic event, it negatively impacts our central nervous system and causes changes in our emotions and body language. This leads to adjustments in facial expressions and posture, which can cause physical pain. Somatic movement therapy releases any anger or tension we hold from these past experiences to get us to a place of calm and happiness.
22 Second Avenue, Vineta, Swakopmund, Namibia